+357 25 870515

VLADIMIR ZHURAVSKYI Private Entrepreneur

[email protected]


  • ВакансияSenior Project Manager
    We are looking for a person who:
    • Has experience in managing teams of 30 people or more as TeamLead / Technical Project Manager / Engineering manager / Delivery manager for 2+ years and engineering experience in software development for 5+ years. Experience in managing through other managers from 1 year.
    • Ready to immerse myself not only in the processes of the product, but also in its architecture, in the subject area.
    • Can manage the processes and backlog of a large team, combining the fulfillment of hygiene requirements for the product, product development and solving infrastructure problems.
    • Has behind him a successful experience in creating a development team from scratch or a significant change in processes in an existing team.
    You will:
    • Manage a cross-functional team that already has other leaders. The level of this position can be compared with Head of Project.
    • Communicate a lot both with products and with other teams in the company, be a link between customers and development teams.
    • Take care of people: motivate, develop, conduct one-to-one.
    We offer:
    • Ability to influence products and processes. You will not just be an executor of the business manager's instructions, but a full participant who is also responsible for the results of the product.
    • Maximum horizontal connections in the team in order to quickly negotiate and solve work tasks. We also have an engineering council. He comes up with and implements projects that improve the lives of engineers in the company.
    • A corporate social network where you can find help on work and domestic issues. Find like-minded people on a pet project and discuss a startup idea. Rent out an apartment in half a day, find the best doctor in your city, sell a snowboard or find where is best croissants in our town :)
  • ВакансияGame Designer

    We have become more and more experienced, but we have realized the creation of a startup: warm relations, drive and full dedication to our favorite business. We are looking for a team member who loves loot boxes with loot boxes as much as we do.

    About work
    • Work on the core and meta mechanics of the project.
    • Full feature support from writing GDD to release control.
    • Work with project analytics to make the right decisions to improve game mechanics.
    • Minimum 2 years experience as a Senior/Lead Game Designer
    • Experience in f2p games.
    • Great gaming experience, interest in action games.
    • General conditions of work
    • Official from the first day, full white salary, 28 calendar days vacation (or cash compensation) and additional pay>
    • Remote work/Central office
    • VMI, including for remote employees.
    • Help with the equipment of the workplace at home.
    • Professional development support (training, conferences).
    • Complimentary breakfasts and training with a trainer in our own gym for employees at the Central Office.
    • Corporate taxi and evening hot meal for those who are late.
    • Monthly corporate events, including online, welcome gifts and gifts for various holidays.
Send your CV to